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Aargauer Kunsthaus, Stadt Zürich - Schule und Kultur, Blickfelder Festival, Label Amok, Mummenschanz, Museum Sankturbanhof,  Museum Rietberg, Ensemble Tzara, Ensemble für neue Musik Zürich, Musikschule Unterägeri, Ida Gut,,  Dumpf Edition, TMC The Muri Competition, Klett und Balmer AG, Madframe,  Weingartenexpo, Expo 02, u.a.

The Healer and the Psychiatrist 

by Mike Poltorak (75 min)


LIDF (London International Documentary Festival). 30th November 2019. London, UK.  Official Selection.


Hawaii International Film Festival-Pacific Showcase, Nov. 5-29, 2020- Honolulu, US.


Best Feature Film Award

Society for Visual Anthropology Film and Media Festival (SVAFMF). November 2020


Garifuna International Indigenous Film Festival.  5th-14th November 2020. Venice, California. Official Selection.


Riga Pasaules Film Festival. September 2020. Riga. Latvia. Official Selection


German International Ethnographic Film Festival.  Official Selection.

15th May 2020. Göttingen, German.



Lockdown by Tobias Ineichen | Editing

SRF (Schweizer Fernsehen) im Mai 2020

Kosmos Kino Kurzfilme

Irma Ineichen by Tobias Ineichen | Editing

Solothurner Filmtage 2020

Across ZüriCH

Live -Aufführungen

Regie: Heidi Hiltebrand

17. Feb. 2019 KOSMOS Zürich

25. Mai 2018 VIDEOEX Expermentalfilm Festival

27. Sept. 2018 Kunstraum Baden

15. Sept. 2018 Gewürzmühle Zug

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